Grant County CWPP Staff Login
CWPP Meeting Notes
March 29, 2012

-Response time to fires
Why is there a delay sometimes?
-Access roads
Must be adequate

-Why do private citizens get in trouble for putting out fires?
-Possibility of stationing engine at the Powerhouse or Boundary Guard Station?
-Effective use of FS resources is important, e.g. traveling together instead of in separate vehicles
-Forest Service is important, we need them!
-Communications in Granite area: no cell phone coverage
Issues with Grant County Govt on communication

-73 Rd in very poor condition: pot holes, etc.- especially from JD Campground to Granite
Culverts are being fixed, removed, etc. but road surface is not
Priorities are wrong on County & Federal roads

-City of Granite needs county support
-Many recreationists in the summer travel through the Granite area on the road from Sumpter to Dale
Motorcycles, campers, etc. good roads are important for the tourist economy, for safety purposes,
and for emergency evacuation purposes in the event of emergency

-Emergency Calls routed through Baker Co 911
-Grant County communication systems available in Granite 2 way radio system implemented through Fire Defense Board?

-Powerline SE toward Sumpter has blocked access road
Problem if powerline causes fire or otherwise access is needed

-Can FS and Granite have a communication system using a 'reverse 911 system' like is used in Baker?
List of contact numbers for Granite

-Granite needs a cell phone tower
Identify suitable location in Granite area on private land

-Concern with evacuating residents and others (e.g. tourists) in the event of a big wildfire
Granite needs a fire siren that works: none now

-Volunteers for city fire department very difficult to get
Loss of population
Aging population
Citizens burned out

-Access issues on both private and federal lands with locked gates
Citizens will identify for CWPP

-Heavy hazardous fuels standing and down, live and dead in Granite area
FS should open more local areas for wood cutting and issue larger permits

-Residents of the area very interested in helping prioritize FS local projects
-Absence of grazing causing heavy fuels in some areas
-Granite Fire Dept mutual aid agreements with fire department in Baker Co/USFS/ODF?

-Umatilla NF would like to have homesite data around Dale and Meadowbrook area. Umatilla is very
concerned that there will be a large wildfire event
in this area and they do not know where all of the homes are located.

October is Fire Prevention Month! Grant County has a new Firewise Community on Canyon Creek Lane coming on line soon. Congratulations!
Grant County's other Firewise Communities are in the process of renewing their National Firewise Status. Canyon Creek Lane will make five Firewise Communities is Grant County.

Posted October 4, 2019.
US Forest ServiceBureau of Land ManagementNational Park ServiceOregon Dept of ForestryOregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife

No wildfire danger