Grant County CWPP Staff Login
fernFire prevention and protection planning is paramount to sustain our lives, our property and the health of our rural economy.

Grant County has been given an unprecedented opportunity to participate in community based forest planning and vegetation treatment project prioritization with the enactment of the federal Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA) of 2003.

This landmark legislation includes the first meaningful statutory incentives for the US Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to give consideration to the priorities of local communities as they develop and implement forest management and hazardous fuels reduction projects.

In order for a community to take full advantage of this opportunity, it must first prepare a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). While there are several possible approaches in developing a CWPP, this web-based project conforms to both the intent and the letter of HFRA as well as making the process user friendly and consistent for at-risk communities of catastrophic wildfire across the federal landscape.
handbook « Download the handbook (pdf) for step-by-step instructions on how to form a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
US Forest ServiceBureau of Land ManagementNational Park ServiceOregon Dept of ForestryOregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife
Our Mission

To reduce the risk from wildfire to life, property and natural resources and assist with resource management of lands within Grant County in a manner that benefits the local economy and maintains and enhances natural resources.

Goals and Objectives
  1. Protect against potential losses to life, property and natural resources from forest fire by
    • Establishing and maintaining escape route and adjacent corridors.
    • Identifying areas at risk and hazards.
    • Reducing wildfire risk to identified areas.
    • Developing and utilizing widespread partnerships between citizens, agencies and stakeholders.
  2. Build and maintain active participation from each Fire Protection District by
    • Identifying actions for fire protection.
    • Improving pre-suppression planning in the event of a wildfire.
    • Identifying equipment and training needs.
  3. Identify incentives for fire protection and community participation by
    • Accessing and utilizing federal and other grant dollars
  4. Monitor the changing conditions of forest fire risk and citizen action over time by
    • Establishing and maintaining a monitoring and evaluation process.
  5. Institutionalize fire-related programs and sustain community efforts for fire protection by
    • Establishing and maintaining a nonprofit fire safe council.
    • Holding an annual meeting to review progress and plan new projects.
  6. Improve community safety through continued wildland fire education and awareness by
    • Setting realistic expectations for reducing forest fire risk.
    • Promoting visible projects and program successes.
    • Developing strategies for increasing citizen awareness and action for fire and outreach prevention.
  7. Preserve and promote the custom, culture and economic health of Grant County by
    • Identifying economic developments and networking opportunities regarding fuel reduction and biomass utilization enterprises.
  8. Engage the local workforce in work related to wildfire prevention and protection, and restoration of lands in Grant County by
    • Hiring the local workforce for projects.
  9. Strengthen emergency management in Grant County by
    • Improving coordination between county government, fire protection districts, and state and federal agencies.