Grant County CWPP Staff Login
Prairie City
CWPP Community Meeting

Notes from Public Input:

-Pine Creek area very vulnerable
House on upper end of drainage out
of rural and very vulnerable
Many places only one road in
Steep slopes

-Road Access Issues
Dead ends, no turnouts,no brushing, steep
road grades,no evacuation routes
Inadequate bridges
Locked gates

-Road closures on FS land

-Rit 5: hockey puck fire extinguisher
Good tool for county emergency services
personnel to carry

-Dixie Creek
Wind currents blow down creek
Many absentee landowners
Many problems with structures and
improvements not being 'firewise'

-Human Safety
-Prairie City water system
-Ranch Resources and improvements
Hay, livestock, fences, fuel tanks,
equipment, supplies

-Cell Tower
Have fuels been removed from around tower?

-Rural Fire Departments
Trouble recruiting volunteers
Aging population
Loss of population
Excessive training requirements and standards
from the state
Very helpful to pay rural firefighters
something for their time

-High fuel loads in areas that could burn and
affect communities

-WUI work: start near populations centers
and work outward

-Safeguard priorities: articulate
-Develop system to provide pumper trucks
for isolated or hard to reach areas,such
as upper Pine Creek
Put fires out while small
NEO had/has a program Partners
in Protection like this provided pumpers
program was generally successful

-Partnerships between private landowners
& agencies for Rx burns

- P Hill above town a huge fire hazard
-Wyden Amendment authorizes use of
dollars on private land

-Emphasize more cooperation between public
and private landowners

-Make whole county a WUII then prioritize areas

-NRCS will follow priority setting that
comes out of revised CWPP

-Increased # of cords on firewood permits
from FS very helpful

-Need roads for fire access
For ODF as well as FS

-Closed roads provide more opportunity for
illegal drugs/marijuana to be grown

-Develop/identify more/existing water sources
-Malheur Travel Management Plan
Prioritize roads for fire safety keep open
Keep roads on ridgetops open

October is Fire Prevention Month! Grant County has a new Firewise Community on Canyon Creek Lane coming on line soon. Congratulations!
Grant County's other Firewise Communities are in the process of renewing their National Firewise Status. Canyon Creek Lane will make five Firewise Communities is Grant County.

Posted October 4, 2019.
US Forest ServiceBureau of Land ManagementNational Park ServiceOregon Dept of ForestryOregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife

No wildfire danger