Grant County CWPP Staff Login
CWPP Community Meeting
April 24, 2012

Notes from Public Input:

-North boundary of Malheur NF, on the south side of
the John Day Valley (e.g. above Laycock Creek),
should be the highest priority for fuels treatment.
Many homes and improvements in this area.

-Entire MNF boundary along John Day Valley from
Prairie City to Dayville should be high priority.

-Lack of aerial water sources on MNF on south
side of John Day boundary.

-Roads in Laycock Creek area very poor: some
won't hold engines in event of fire response.

-Access around Laycock Creek Road very bad for fire
suppression response: poor condition, narrow,
steep, bridges/culverts have unknown or obviously
low weight limits.

-Grant County Planning Dept. now requires rural fire
chiefs to review roads & bridges for
new building permits in areas that are
covered by the rurals.

-In areas outside of rurals Brian Huff with the state
fire marshal's office approves building permits on
forest lands. He gives information on what is
required by planning.

-Harper Creek area has extremely heavy fuels loads
in the MNF.

-Firewise money would be helpful in the Laycock Creek

-Some homeowners on Laycock Creek are interested in
annexing the Mt. Vernon rural.

-Year round accessibility is significant problem
in many of the areas covered by the Mt.Vernon rural.

-Is it possible to use Firewise monies to help with
some road reconstruction or improvements to allow
for responses to structural fires by engines?
Such as,adding turnouts,lowering grades, etc.

-FS is losing engines for budget reasons makes it
even more important for homeowners to be Firewise
on their property.

-FS needs to implement a buffer along the south
side of the John Day Valley from Prairie City
to Dayville on the forest boundary. Buffer
should be at least to the ridge top and the
treatment should be aggressive thinning.

October is Fire Prevention Month! Grant County has a new Firewise Community on Canyon Creek Lane coming on line soon. Congratulations!
Grant County's other Firewise Communities are in the process of renewing their National Firewise Status. Canyon Creek Lane will make five Firewise Communities is Grant County.

Posted October 4, 2019.
US Forest ServiceBureau of Land ManagementNational Park ServiceOregon Dept of ForestryOregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife

No wildfire danger